June 8-11: Performed with IRTE in Wow Wee! Adventures of a Little Girl Killbot Christmas Special! at the Atlanta Fringe Festival in GA. I came up with the original concept and played Andie the Android.
"Wow Wee! Adventures of a Little Girl Killbot Christmas Special! by IRTE is exactly what it sounds like, but (somehow) it's even more than that. Yes, it's a silly parody of 80's sitcoms, yes it's improv, yes it's Christmas. But the sinister undercurrent of the show, of having a character on stage that can murder everyone at any moment, gives the comedy of the show an urgency and drawns you in even further and, ugh, it's also so much fun. One last chance to catch this one, 2PM at 7 Stages, and we think you should go for it."
May 31: Shot indie comedy series, "Cut To" directed by Graceann Dorse
May 22: Shot an episode of The CONNIE Awards for MNN, the completely real and not-at-all made up improvisational acting awards show.
May 21: Performed as Double D with Graceann Dorse at Broadway Comedy Club, NYC.
May 19: Performed as Double D with Graceann Dorse in The Vole Sisters Host a Very Peculiar Evening at the PIT, NYC
May 3: Graceann Dorse, and I performed as The Vole Sisters (Double D) in Space Station Awesome Celebrates Paranormal Day at the PIT
April 16: Performed as Double D with Graceann Dorse at Broadway Comedy Club, NYC.
April 15: Performed as The Vole Sisters (Double D) with Graceann Dorse at The Keepin' Cozy Show with Kitten Solloway at the Players Theatre in NYC.
January - March 2023
March 21: Performed as The Vole Sisters (Double D) with Graceann Dorse at The Tank in NYC.
February 17 - March 11, I performed with IRTE in The Lonely Death of L. Harris. Susan Baker wrote, "Back to IRTE last Saturday night for a most impressive new improv comedy called “The Lonely Death of L. Harris”, an examination of identity and….well, who are any of us? Do we decide who we are or is that left to others? Oh, and it’s actually funny too."
February 11: Graceann Dorse, and I performed as Double D at the PIT
February 6: Performed as Double D with Graceann Dorse in our latest show The Vole Sisters Invite You To a Peculiar & Intimate Evening of Mystic Spiritualism at the New Jersey Repertory Company (2 back to back sold-out performances)
January 26: Graceann Dorse, and I performed as Double D at Young Ethel's
November - December 2022
November 4 - December 19, I performed with IRTE in Wow Wee! Adventures of a Little Girl Killbot Christmas Special! Jan Ewing (Ewing Reviewing) wrote "Nannette Deasy, the beating heart of the company, portrays the crazed Andie as charming and frightening at the same time... Some things are serious, others are illusion. The work of Ms. Deasy helps us see those things clearly. Without humor, we’re a dead issue."
December 17: Performed as Double D with Graceann Dorse in our latest show The Vole Sisters Invite You To a Peculiar & Intimate Evening of Mystic Spiritualism at the Rose Room in NYC.
October 2022
September 6-8: Performed as Double D with understudy Robert Baumgardner (Graceann Dorse was out sick) at the Scranton Fringe Festival in our latest show The Vole Sisters Invite You To a Peculiar & Intimate Evening of Mystic Spiritualism.
July 2022
July 17: Graceann Dorse, and I performed as Double D at the Ladies Night show at Young Ethel's
July 13: Graceann Dorse, and I performed as Double D at QED
June 2022
June 27: Shot an episode of The CONNIE Awards for MNN, the completely real and not-at-all made up improvisational acting awards show.
June 25: Shot another episode of Days of Our Votes, an online soap opera parody to Get Out the Vote, created by Double D partner Graceann Dorse. I play Karen (the Ultimate Karen)
June 22: Graceann Dorse, and I performed as Double D at QED
April 2022
April: IRTE is once again included in this year’s Ewing Reviewing 2021, Major Works Off & Off-Off Broadway & Online in New York City. Also included was an essay I wrote about our theatre's "purpose." https://pupsbooks.com/ewing-reviewing-2021
April 8: Graceann Dorse, and I performed as Double D in the improvised comedy 12-step program Rejects Anonymous at the PIT
February / March 2022
March 7: Graceann Dorse, and I, as Double D, were nominated for a “Making It Up As I Go Along” Young-Howze Theatre Journal Award For Improv of the Year for Glamour Puss!
February 11-March 5 I performed with IRTE in Tammy's Bachelorette.
February 5: Graceann Dorse, and I performed as Double D in the improvised comedy 12-step program Rejects Anonymous at the PIT
January 2022
Began rehearsals for IRTE's Tammy's Bachelorette
December 2021
December 3, Shot pilot for comedy Cut To (Graceann Dorse, director)
December 4, Shot promo for pilot Celebrities (Breindel Wood, Director)
Began pre-production for IRTE's Tammy's Bachelorette
October - November 2021
Began writing stage adaptation of Glamour Puss with comedy partner Graceann Dorse as Double D.
October 22-November 13, I performed with IRTE in The Marvelous Mrs. McCluskey. Jen Bush wrote "The artistic director Nannette Deasy also happened to expertly play the cohesive clown, Pound Foolish. She was not clowning around with her fine funny performance." (Words4music Blog)
September 2021
September 22, 2021, I co-led the IRTE Workshop, Character and Emotion.
IRTE began pre-production and rehearsals for our season opener, The Marvelous Mrs. McCluskey.
July 2021
Love Lives in a Void received many nominations at the West Europe International Film Festival. I was nominated Best Lead Actress in a Short Film) , Johnny Zito (Best Lead Actor in a Short Film) and our cast and crew of "Love Lives in a Void" were nominated Best Short Comedy.
July 24, I was a guest performer at Hearts and Starts at the Magnet Theatre.
July 21, I co-led the IRTE Workshop, Improvi-play Performance.
July 13, Double D returned as the guest performers at NYC UNSCRIPTED LIVE at the Broadway Comedy Club hosted by Walt Frasier
June 2021
June 23: IRTE IS BACK! We hosted our first live, in-person workshop since the shut-down. Robert Baumgardner and I led it.
June 1: Double D performed as the guest of NYC UNSCRIPTED LIVE at the Broadway Comedy Club hosted by Walt Frasier
May 2021
May 7 & 9: Double D performed their original, online, audience interactive and improvised comedy show Glamour Puss at the Pittsburgh Fringe Festival. They won BEST INTERACTIVE SHOW.
March and April 2021
March 14: Double D performed as the guest of SUNDAY NIGHT UNSCRIPTED (online) hosted by Walt Frasier, Broadway Comedy Club and NY Improv Theater.
Continued to also take part in online workshops with Michael Gelman.
February 2021
February 5 & 7: Double D performed their original, online, audience interactive and improvised comedy show Glamour Puss at the first ever Tucson Virtual Fringe Festival.
Are you sick of your free-loading tabby racking up expenses? Do you want to take your smug pug from BITCH to RICH? Put Fluffy to work and see if he’s got what it takes to be INSTA-FAMOUS! For TWO NIGHTS ONLY, superstar talent agents Cordelia and Cecelia Zimmer, the driving force behind “Glamour Puss Talent, Home to the Most Influential Pets in the World” will throw open the doors of their very exclusive agency to hold an open call audition for their next pet-influencer star.
Glamour Puss received awards for BEST FAMILY SHOW and BEST IMPROV SHOW.
Love Lives in a Void is an official selection of the Paris International Short Festival (February 2021)
November 2020 - January 2021
Double D was invited to perform at the first ever Tucson Virtual Fringe Festival, based on my original show concept, Glamour Puss. Graceann Dorse and I spent the next several weeks refining the show concept and structure, rehearsing and promoting the show.
I also continued to take part in online, invitation only, worksops with Michael Gelman.
Love Lives in a Void was chosen as an Official Selection of the Door County Short Film Festival
August - September 2020
Double D performed live improv shows on Twitch and I studied with Michael Gellman in his online zoom workshops Building Character and Re: acting.
I also appeared as the Ultimate Karen in Days of Our Votes, an online soap opera parody to Get Out the Vote, created by Double D partner Graceann Dorse.
March - July 2020
While the city and all its live performance venues have shut down to combat the spread of COVID-19 (effectively cancelling IRTE's 2020 season after just two performances), film festivals have moved online!
During this time, three films in which I appear are still actively making the rounds of the film festival circuit.
Love Lives in a Void is available to stream now (and for free!) as an Official selection of Monthly Indie Shorts July 2020 at
Enter the password L0v3L1v3$** to watch on Vimeo
The film has also been an official selection of
Middlebury New Filmmakers Festival 2020 (Honorable Mention), Screen Power Film Festival, After Hour Film Festival 2020, Sunnyside Up Film Festival 2020 (Festival Director's Choice Best Drama Short), Deep Focus Film Festival (Finalist), Dumbo Film Festival (semifinalist), Changing Face International Film Festival (finalist), YoFiFest, LA Live Film Fest, Chicago Amarcord Arthouse Television & Video Awards, Toronto Independent Film Awards, Rockport Film Festival, The Monkey Bread Tree Film Awards, Blow-Up Arthouse International Film Festival, Mindfield Film Festival (Winner Best Short Film - Platinum Award)
Don't Blink, which I co-wrote, co-produced and co-starred in with My Double D partner, Graceann Dorse was an official selection of the BoneBat Comedy of Horrors Film Fest, the Bad Film Fest, and the Lighthouse International Film Festival.
Le Meow Mort, in which I also appeared, was an official selection of the 10th Annual Art of Brooklyn Film Festival, the Lighthouse International Film Festival, the Furry Burque Film Festival, the Women in Comedy Festival, the Coney Island Film Festival, and the Catalyst Content Festival.
Prior to the shutdown, the Improvisational Repertory Theatre Ensemble (IRTE), opened and closed its first (and hopefully not last) production of the 2020 season, Diner on the Edge. Although we only got to perform the show twice to limited audiences, critics saw much to praise. Anthony Piccione of Outer-Stage called it "...goofy, low-budget yet highly hilarious entertainment. ... this production was yet another entertaining gem." Jan Ewing of Hi Drama reviewed the video recording we streamed online after the stay-at-home-order was put in place. He gave it a "Happy Face", saying it was "...funny and entertaining, an excellent example of this creative company’s commitment to the improvisational art" and called my performance as Ruby "skillfully played."
February 2020
February 24: Shot an episode of The CONNIE Awards for MNN, the completely real and not-at-all made up improvisational acting awards show.
February 15: IRTE hosted an Improvisational Acting Workshop taught by Scotty Watson.
February 9: Won Grand Jury Award, Best Actress at the American Filmatic Arts Awards for Love Lives in a Void. The film also won Best Experimental Short and Grand Jury Award, Best Actor.
February 6: Taught the annual IRTE Props Workshop
February 2: IRTE held auditions for GIRTES (guest performers to join our casts for the upcoming season).
January 2020
January 10-12: Performed with IRTE in Tammy's Bachelorette at the Tucson Fringe Festival in AZ. I came up with the original concept and played Tammy. We won Best COMEDY!
Jan 2: Graceann Dorse, and I performed as Double D in the improvised comedy 12-step program Rejects Anonymous at the PIT Loft
Jan 5: Graceann Dorse, and I performed a comedy improv set as Double D at Student Driver at the Peoples Improv Theater
December 2019
IRTE began rehearsing for Tammy's Bachelorette at the Tucson Fringe Festival in AZ
Dec 22: Graceann Dorse, and I performed as Double D in our Holiday Show Secret Santa: Best Gift Ever! at the PIT Loft
November 2019
Nov 24: Shot an episode of The CONNIE Awards for MNN, the completely real and not-at-all made up improvisational acting awards show
Nov 22: Perform with Robert Baumgardner as The N & The R at QED
Nov 9: Love Lives in a Void is screened as an official selection of the YoFi Festival in Yonkers, NY
October 2019
IRTE begins meeting to complete pre-production for the upcoming 2020 Season
Oct 21 & 28: Shot episodes of The CONNIE Awards for MNN, the completely real and not-at-all made up improvisational acting awards show
September 2019
Sept 29: Robert Baumgardner and I performed a comedy improv set as The N & The R at Student Driver at the Peoples Improv Theater
Sept 14: Le Meow Mort is screened as an official selection of the Coney Island Film Fest, NY
July 2019
July 2: Graceann Dorse, and I performed as Double D in the improvised comedy 12-step program Rejects Anonymous at the PIT Loft
July 2: Performed as Double D in The Third Wheel at the PIT Loft
June 2019
I performed with IRTE in Go to Sleep, Stupid Kids! (a show I also created) May 31-June 8. Jan Ewing, a reviewer for Hi Drama, wrote, "Nannette Deasy... alternately wheedling and threatening, her work, first rate. Funny, inventive, and terrific at keeping the improv moving in the right direction."
May 2019
I directed IRTE's Evil Clowns Have Feeings, Too.
"... IRTE manages to strike a balance between both well-written comedic structure and pure improv, while also using both audience engagement and a creative assortment of props and makeup to stay on a low indie budget and still be uniquely laugh out loud funny..." Anthony Piccione,
OnStage Blog
May 20: IRTE hosted Give & Take: Building Ensemble and Awareness
with Spolin Theater Games taught by Aretha Sills
April 2019
April 27: IRTE hosted an Improvisational Acting Workshop taught by Scotty Watson.
April 5-13: Performed with IRTE in The Ship Be Sinkin'
March 2019
March 31: IRTE held auditions for GIRTES (guest performers to join our casts for the upcoming season).
March 29: IRTE hosted an Improvisational Acting Workshop, Clown Combat for the Improviser Too! taught by Judi Lewis-Ockler
March 24: Graceann Dorse, and I performed as Double D in the improvised comedy 12-step program Rejects Anonymous at the NYC Improv Festival
March 8-16: Performed with IRTE in Tammy's Bachelorette. I came up with the original concept and played Tammy. Rebecca Benedict, writing for Outer-Stage called it the "BEST. PARTY. EVER" Jan Ewing (Hi Drama!), wrote, "Nannette Deasy as Tammy was continually amusing as well as being wonderfully amused herself because all her 'besties' and 'beasties, were there."
February 2019
Feb 22: Shot Le Meow Mort. I played a would-be angel with an idiot sister (Death). The short was written and directed by my Double D partner Graceann Dorse.
Feb 13: Taught the annual IRTE Props Workshop
Feb 2: IRTE held auditions for GIRTES (guest performers to join our casts for the upcoming season).
January 2019
Jan 20: Shot the annual fundraising campaign video with IRTE.
November 2018
Nov 9-11: I reprised my role of Andie the Android in IRTE's Wow Wee! reboot, Wow Wee 2! Adventures of a Little Girl Killbot an improvised family sitcom set in the robot apocalypse (if the apocalypse took place in 1985)) at the New Orleans InFringe Festival.
October 2018
Oct 30: My comedy partner, Graceann Dorse, and I performed as Double D in the improvised comedy horror Scranton Buckets at the PIT Loft
April 2024
April 13: Received Adam Hocherman Award For Excellence In Improv. The Hocherman Prize is a merit based award where the faculty of ANDTheatre Co recognize my work as an actor.
January -March 2024
February 16-March 16: Performed with IRTE in vIRTEgo Circus.
“If you want to join the circus of lost soul traveling the USA backroads, you will have a ton of fun… The cast… provide a top notch performance that will have you smiling & laughing when you exit… This show [vIRTEgo Circus] is a must see…” Kitty Bradley, craicheadkitty - Theater NYC Adventures
January 7: June 22: Graceann Dorse and I performed as Double D at Young Ethel's
October -December 2023
November 10-December 9: Performed with IRTE in My Thanksgiving Recipe.
October 30 & 31: Graceann Dorse and I performed as Double D in The Vole Sisters at FRIGID New York's 2023 Days of the Dead Festival.
July -September 2023
September 21-23: Graceann Dorse and I performed as Double D in 2 of our favorite original shows - Rejects Anonymous and The Vole Sisters - at the 2023 Rochester Fringe Festival, Rochester, NY. We performed Rejects Anonymous at the Focus Theater and Vole Sisters at The Spirit Room's Conjure Box.
September 11: Graceann Dorse and I performed as Double D in Rejects Anonymous the PIT, NYC.
August 29: Graceann Dorse and I performed as Double D in The Vole Sisters at Serious Comedy Theatre in Beacon, NY.
April - June 2023
June 22: Graceann Dorse and I performed as Double D at Young Ethel's
June 16: Double D performed their original, live, audience interactive and improvised comedy show Glamour Puss Live at the PIT, NYC


September 2018
Graceann Dorse, and I performed as Double D in the improvised comedy 12-step program Rejects Anonymous at the Scranton Fringe Festival September 28 - 30. We previewed the show in NYC on Septmeber 7th at the PIT Loft
June 2018
I reprised my role of Andie the Android in IRTE's Wow Wee! reboot, Wow Wee 2! Adventures of a Little Girl Killbot an improvised family sitcom set in the robot apocalypse (if the apocalypse took place in 1985). We premiered the show at PortFringe in Portland, ME June 16 & 17, and then closed the IRTE Season with it June 22-20. This is how are show was decribed..."If a John Waters movie and Ex Machina had a baby, it might look like WOWEE! ADVENTURES OF A GIRL KILLBOT... If you’re missing the family sitcoms of the 80’s, but don’t want to sacrifice your standard chained-up lounge singer belting out “Mr. Roboto”, or full-grown women being reabsorbed and rebirthed, this is absolutely the show for you. This reviewer snorted with laughter." First Looks - PortFringe 2018!
I also performed with Graceann Dorse as Double D at Student Driver at the PIT June 24th.
On June 3rd, I also I also studied with Deb Rabbai in her Musical Improv workshop hosted by IRTE.
May 2018
I performed with IRTE in IRTE Noir May 18-June 2. Michael D'Antoni wrote, "Notable cast mentions go to NANNETTE DEASY who played the aging and pitifully washed up Norah Diamond honestly and believably. Her facial expressions were every bit reminiscent of Gloria Swanson waiting for her close up! Pleasurable, funny, artfully crafted and fast paced... a quick and welcoming reboot to one’s personal laugh meter. I recommend all stop by far an enjoyable tune up!" True Blue Noir
I also studied with Judy Lewis-Ockler in her Clown Combat for the Improviser workshop hosted by IRTE May 7th.
April 2018
I directed IRTE's Dr. Fiend, running April 20-28. Anthony Piccione of OnStage Blog called it "...highly energetic, and over the top in the best possible way..."
On April 17th, I recorded some voiceover work for the animated short, Gum and Sauce.
I also studied with Aretha Sills in a workshop hosted by IRTE April 24th.
March 2018
I played Lorna Bluein IRTE's What's New Groovy Gang?! March 23-31. Anthony J, Piccione of OnStage called it "...pure fun. "
I also studied with Scotty Watson in an improvisational acting workshop hosted by IRTE March 18th.
February 2018
Graceann Dorse and I perform as Double D in the improvised comedy horror Scranton Buckets at the Countdown Theatre.
I shot the lead female role in Johnny Zito's indie film, Love Lives in A Void, as well as the comedy short Don't Blink with Double D partner Graceann Dorse, and.... preproduction begins for IRTE's seventh season!
IRTE held auditions for GIRTES (guest performers to join our casts for the upcoming season). There are so many incredible performers out there!! I also led IRTE's Improvising with Props Workshop on February 18th.
January 2018
IRTE returned to the Asheville Fringe Festival with The Experiment January 25-27. I played Dr. Amanda Weird (the "D' is silent).
November 2017
We're gearing up for a whole new season of IRTE (Improvisational Repertory Theatre Ensemble LLC). The 2018 Ensemble has been confirmed! Stay tuned for the official announcement!
September 2017
My comedy partner, Graceann Dorse, and I performed as Double D in the improvised comedy horror Scranton Buckets at the Scranton Fringe Festival September 28 - 30. We previewed the show in NYC on Septmeber 16th at the PIT Loft
I also had the opportunity to study once again with David Razowsky when he came to NYC to teach his 3-day improvisational workshop September 8-10.
August 2017
I performed with IRTE in Happy Birthday, Stupid Kid! (a show I also created) at the Midtown International Theatre Festival. I played Barbara Heeney (aka Pound Foolish, the Party Clown). Outerstage described the production as "Magnificent... fantastic... one of the finest improv troupes today!" (IRTE MITF A-OK).
Turan Koyuncu of Drama Queens Reviews, wrote, "Impressive acting, quick thinking, on-the-spot staging, and brilliant improvisation made this one of the better presentations at the (MITF) festival." (Many Happy Returns of IRTE!)
I also shot a short, comedic film by John Baker, Inana Evening Star, soon to be released.
July 2017
I performed with IRTE in Happy Birthday, Stupid Kid! at the Providence Fringe Festival.
I also booked and shot a training video for PLI (Practicing Law Institute). I played Andrea, an expert on Domestic Violence.
June 2017
I reprised my role as Chandelier Socket in IRTE's season finale, BRP II (the sequel to last year's Big, Rich and Powerful) June 16-24. Catherine Santino of Spoiled NYC wrote, "The show (BRPII) has everything you could ever want – deceit, torrid affairs, terrible wigs – all done in a gracefully improvised and cleverly executed way. I was basically laughing from beginning to end, all the while remaining in complete awe of how seamlessly the company members worked together to pull it off." , Real Housewives Meets Film Noir? This Comedy Show Is One of NYC's Biggest Hidden Gems.
Amy Carothers, NYCTravels, wrote "The rich are richer, the laughter is bigger and audiences are the winners.... Guests will love to hate the snobbish socialites and the quick-witted improv team, provide side-splitting antics." BRP is Back In IRTE’s Big, Rich and Powerful Production!
May 2017
I performed with IRTE in Avoidance! The Game show for Introverts May 19-27. Amy Carothers of NYCTravels wrote, "...[IRTE] gives its all at each performance... Skillfully mastering the curveballs the audience pitched at them... You’ve pressed your luck and missed the final Avoidance! performance but the only losers are those not taking advantage of an upcoming show."
April 2017
I played Dr. Amanda Weird in IRTE's The Experiment April 21-29. Larry Schneier of Now On Broadway called it "...very funny... For a unique improv experience, full of laughs, sci-fi, and a bit of suspense go experience The Experiment."
I also studied with Aretha Sills in a workshop hosted by IRTE April 25th.
March 2017
I played Madam Mayor in IRTE's The Sense-ations! April 17-25. Conor D. Mullen of Outerstage called it "... a very exciting–and very different–kind of improv show... If you see The Sense-ations! you’re in for a wild night... All in all The Sense-ations! is a wonderful night of theatre, comedy, and improv. Hats off to The Improvisational Repertory Theatre Ensemble as well as the wonderful cast for creating something I loved. " Sense-ational!
Amy Carothers for NYC Travels called it "...a Sense-ational Experience ...theatre-goers will have a phenomenal time."
I also studied with Mik Kuhlman in a movement and clown workshop hosted by IRTE March 26th.
February 2017
IRTE held auditions for GIRTES (guest performers to join our casts for the upcoming season). There are so many wonderful, funny people out there!! I also led IRTE's Improvising with Props Workshop on February 19th.
I also filmed a comedy sketch, The Plant, with my Double D comedy partner, Graceann Dorse.
Jamuary 2017
I performed with IRTE in Happy Birthday, Stupid Kid! (a show I also created) at the Asheville Fringe Festival January 26-28. I played Barbara Heeney (aka Pound Foolish, the Party Clown). Our show won the award for "Artists whose work made me laugh the most."
November 2016
I took part in a weekend of intensive Improvisation Workshops with Michael Gellman, David Razowsky and Scotty Watson at Artistic New Directions November 11-13.
September 2016
I produced and performed with the FLIRTY GIRTES in Summer Rental at the PIT September 27th.
I also had the opportunity to study once again with Michael Gellman when he came to NYC to teach a weekend improvisational workshop September 24-25.
I performed with Graceann Dorse as Double D at the We're Trying Here Comedy Festival September 23-24.
August 2016
August 7: Guest starred in Mr. David Jay's music video Leaving on a Tubular Jet Plane
July 2016
July 30: Performed with IRTE in DIG at the Midtown International Theatre Festival
June 2016
June 10-18: Performed with IRTE in Last Resort
June 6 : Interviewed by Dennis Holden for his podcast DHAP Show
May 2016
May 23: Performed with Double D at Broadway Comedy Club
May 13-21 Performed with IRTE in Happy Birthday, Stupid Kid!
May 16: Performed with Double D at Super Free Monday at the PIT
May 2: Took Improvisation Workshops with Michael Gellman
April 2016
April 30: Future Kids comedy video shoot
April 25: Double D hosted Super Free Monday at the PIT
April 24: Performed with Double D at The Creek and the Cave
April 15-23 Performed with IRTE in DIG
March 2016
March 18-26: Performed with IRTE in Big, Rich & Powerful
March 21: Performed with Double D
March 20: IRTE hosted an Improvisational Acting Workshop by Marc Adam Smith
March 16 : Voiceover work for new documentary by Tim Vierling
March 12 : Interviewed by Mike Simmer for his podcast Team Awesome
March 4-7: Took Improvisation Workshops with David Razowsky
February 2016
February 27: IRTE hosted an Improvisational Acting Workshop by Scotty Watson
Jamuary 2016
January 17: IRTE hosted an Improvisational Movement Workshop by Amy Larimer
December 2015
December 30: Performed with Double D at the PIT
October 2015
October 21: Performed with Double D at the PIT Loft
September 2015
September 27-28: Took Improvisation Workshops with Michael Gellman
September 13-20: Performed with IRTE in THE LEAGUE OF EXTRAORDINARY BLONDES at Theater for the New City's Dream Up Festival
September 18: Pilot for Double D, the web series, screened at Princeton Independent Film Festival. We won BEST COMEDY!
September 3: Two back to back performances with Double D at It Takes Two and Summer Rental at the PIT
August 2015
August 17: Peformed with Double D at Super Free Mondays Indie Hour at the PIT
July 2015
July 11, 18 & 25: Peformed with IRTE in Calamity!
June 2015
June 27: Performed with IRTE in THE MAGIC ZOO at the Del Close Marathon
June 6, 13 & 20: Peformed with IRTE in Camp Fitness
June 6, 13 & 20: Taught Improvisational acting workshops for IN Studios Conservatory
June 12: Took Improvisation Workshop with Gary Austin
June 10: Shot Pilot for Double D, the web series.
May 2015
May 16 & 30: Taught Improvisational acting workshops for IN Studios Conservatory
May 2, 9 & 16: Peformed with IRTE in Late Night News
May 13 : Interviewed by KC Wright for her podcast Hurry Up and Wait
May 2 : Shot comedy sketch Barbie with Cool Kid Comedy
April 2015
April 4, 11 & 18: Peformed with IRTE in Adrift
April 10 : Performed with Gotham City Improv
March 2015
March 16, 25, 30 : Performed with Gotham City Improv
March 19: Performed at the NYC Improv Festival
March 7, 14 & 21: Peformed with IRTE in our season opener Wow Wee! Adventures of a Little Girl Robot
March 5: Appeared on Salon Radio
March 4: Appeared on ReW and Who
February 2015
February 28 : IRTE's hosted an Improvisational Acting Workshop hosted by Marc Adam Smith
February 25 : Featured by Theater in the Now
February 19 : Shot a commercial advertising IRTE's opening show, Wow Wee! Adventures of a Little Girl Robot
February 15: Interviewed by Dennis Holden for Dennis has a Podcast, along with IRTE castmates Curt Dixon and Robert Baumgardner
February 8 : IRTE's hosted an Improvisational Movement Workshop hosted by Amy Larimer
February 3 & 17 : Coached the comedy duo Alaska.
February 2: Double D hosted Indie Night at The Treehouse Theatre.
January 2015
January 10 & 24: Performed in mainstage show at Gotham City Improv
January 5, 12 & 19: Double D hosted Indie Night at The Treehouse Theatre.
January 6 : Coached the comedy duo Alaska.
December 2014
December 16, 23, 30 : Started coaching the comedy duo Alaska.
December 8: Double D hosted Anchor Night at The Treehouse Theatre.
December 6: Performed in The Holiday Party Show at Gotham City Improv
November 2014
November 18: Performed with improv group Double D at Anchor Night at The Treehouse Theatre.
November 17: Performed in The Mashed Up Show at Gotham City Improv
November 5: Performed with IRTE in THE MAGIC ZOO at The Philadelphia Improv Festival
November 1, 8 & 15: Sketch writer for Twisted Tales of Gotham at Gotham City Improv
October 2014
October 31: Performed in The Seance at Gotham City Improv
October 25: Performed in An Improvised Muder Mystery at Gotham City Improv
October 21: Performed with improv group Double D at Anchor Night at The Treehouse Theatre.
October 11: Took Improvisation Workshop with Bill McLaughlin
October 6: Performed in The Mashed Up Show at Gotham City Improv
October 5: Took Improvisation Workshop with Michael Gellman at the Treehouse Theatre
October 2: Performed with IRTE in THE SCARY at Unscripted New York Improvised Theatre and Film Festival.
We won the 2014 SHITFA (Supreme Honorary Improvised Theater & Film Award) for Outstanding Genre Performance!
October 1: Selected to perform in #unnybitches at Unscripted New York Improvised Theatre and Film Festival
September 2014
September 15: Taught Intro Improv class at Gotham City Improv and performed in Gotham Mainstage Show
September 11: Performed with IRTE in THE SCARY at the Boston Comedy Arts Festival. BostInno names us "One of the 7 Must See Shows at This Year Boston Comedy Arts Festival."
August 2014
August 16: Performed in Improv Afterlife at Gotham City Improv
August 10, 17 & 24: Performed with IRTE in The League of Extraordinary Blondes at the Producers Club
August 6: Taught Improvisational acting workshop (Improv Forms) for IN Studios Conservatory.
July 2014
July 13, 20 & 27: Performed with IRTE in The Magic Zoo at the Producers Club
July 12, 16, 19 & 23: Taught Improvisational acting workshops for IN Studios Conservatory
June 2014
June 29: Performed with Gotham City Improv at the Del Close Marathon
June 28: After appearing in vIRTE Go-Go!, performed with IRTE in THE SCARY at the Del Close Marathon
June 26: Shot commercial for Capital One Venture Card ("Venture Travel Intervention: Spousal Support").
Then taught an Intro Improv Class for Gotham City Improv followed by a Mainstage Show performance.
June 14, 21 & 28: Performed with IRTE in vIRTE Go-Go! at the Producers Club!
June 7: Taught Improvisational acting workshop (Hosting) IN Studios Conservatory.
June 6: Took Improvisation Workshop with Rachel Hamilton at AND Studios
June 5 & 13: Taught Intro Improv classes at Gotham City Improv and performed in Gotham Mainstage Shows
June 5 & 12: Continued to teach Improv Level 1 at Gotham City Improv
June 4, 11, 18 & 25: Directed IN Team's production of Improv Wars for the Del Close Marathon
May 2014
May 31: Taught Improvisational acting workshop (Hosting) IN Studios Conservatory.
May 17, 24 & 31: Performed with IRTE in Small Claims at the Producers Club to packed houses!
May: Continued to teach Improv Level 1 at Gotham City Improv
April 2014
April 27: Performed with improv group Triple D at Act One at the PIT.
April 17: Interviewed by Entertainment Happenings for THE SCARY.
April 13: Performed with improv group Triple D at The Long and the Short of It at the Creek and the Cave.
April 11: Took workshop with Michael Gellman, Senior Faculty of The Second City, Chicago
April 12-26: Performed with IRTE in THE SCARY at the Producers Club. Received GREAT reviews!
"Completely unique...I died of laughter... " Heather Boddy, THESPI-HONEST
"...a still-fresh improv group that continues to make waves in NYC and all throughout the country. ... laughter, looneys, and even live music." Roberto Tobar, Casual Comedy News, Roberto's Casual Picks
"...their fun was infectious," Geri Silver, Theatre is Easy
"There is no doubt the IRTE crew are funny and great at what they do, which is improv. I encourage you to check them out this season for more radical and theatrical fun!" Imani Johnson, The High 5 Review
"Hilariously Scary NY Theatre... It's remarkable how this ensemble is able to take the random given circumstances and masterfully weave together a narrative by the end of the show... All the cast members have stage presence and you enjoy watching their creativity and spontaneity at work." Lillian Rodriguez, Film Annex
April 10: Started teaching Improv Level 1 at Gotham City Improv
March 2014
March 28: Performed as a main company member of the new Gotham City Improv
March 27: IRTE Interviewed by Stage Buddy
March 25: Appeared on the Team Awesome Podcast
March 22: IRTE is interviewed by Tym Moss for Artsists Exposed
March 23: Performed with IRTE in SPACE PROBE at the NYC Improv Festival
March 17: Appeared with the IRTE crew on Dennis Has a Podcast
March 6: Taught Improvisational acting workshop (Characters) IN Studios Conservatory.
February 2014
February 22: IRTE hosts our first improvisational acting workshop of the 2014 Season, Instant Characters with Marc Adam Smith
Feb 19 - March 29: Directed Improv Wars, the Improvisation News Team's latest improvised show.
February 15: I substitute taught Improvisational acting classes for Scotty Watson at the IN Studios Conservatory.
January 2014
January 31: First company rehearsal of the new Gotham City Improv
January 19: Performed with improv group Triple D at Act One at the PIT.
Jan 18- Feb 1: Directed the Mating Game, the Improvisation News Team's latest show.
January 12: Performed with improv group Triple D at The Long and the Short of It at the Creek and the Cave.
January 1: Auditioned for and was invited to join the main company of the new Gotham City Improv
December 2013
December 15: Directed a rehearsal of the Mating Game, the Improvisation News Team's latest show.
December 14: I taught improvisational acting at the IN Studios Conservatory Comedy Lab.
November 2013
November 23: IRTE's first pre-production meeting for the 2014 Season. Lots of exciting plans in the works!
November 15 & 22: Final performances with Gotham City Improv’s main stage show, Off The Top Of Our Heads.
November 13 & 14: Did some radio work for Clear Channel.
November 10: I took part in Artistic New Directions' full day workshop with master teacher and founder of the Groundlings Gary Austin, performing with fellow students that same evening.
November 9: I substitute taught Improvisational acting classes for Scotty Watson at the IN Conservatory.
November 8: Another fun performance with Gotham City Improv’s main stage show, Off The Top Of Our Heads.
October 2013
Oct 31: I had a fantastic time performing with IRTE in vIRTEgo Circus at the Tampa Improv Festival in Florida! Lots of great shows, lots of wonderful improvisers!
Oct 25: Off The Top of Our Heads got a great review in What's Good in NY. I have a very nice mention.
Oct 5: I'm pleased to announce that my improv company IRTE has been selected to appear at the Tampa Improv Festival in Florida on Halloween. We'll be performing our scary, fun vIRTEgo Circus. Can't wait!
September & October 2013
I'm excited to begin a brand new season with Gotham City Improv’s main stage show, Off The Top Of Our Heads, a short form, game-based improvisational comedy show that has been around for 11 years. We perform Friday nights at 8pm.
I have also begun coaching the Gotham house team, Unicorns of the Feast.
Summer 2013
completed its second season of five completely original improvised comedies. This year was a blast with appearances at the New Orleans Comedy Arts Fest, the Del Close Marathon and the Unscripted New York Improvised Theatre and Film Fest. Our audiences are growing steadily and we're already started to plan next season!IRTE
In the meantime, I also shot some commercial and print work for Polaroid Tablet and recorded voiceover work for the upcoming Nick Mom animated web series, Minivanities.